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REGGIES DEN BULLDOG SUPPLIES - Everything Your Bulldog Needs And More!

It is with regret that we need to inform all our customers that Reggie's Den is no longer trading. With the ever increasing number of bulldogs requiring the help of Bulldog Rescue it has become increasingly difficult to run both Reggie's Den and Bulldog Rescue. After a lot of thought I have decided that my time would be better spent working full time for Bulldog Rescue, it's becoming more and more difficult for Reggie's Den to compete with the larger on line stores and sadly it is no longer cost effective. We will honour all orders place up until Saturday 26th January and honour all back orders where possible. If we are unable to forward any of the items owed to our customers we will of course refund you Don't forget you can still support Bulldog Rescue by registered on the VIP scheme at Pets at Home Join the Pets At Home VIP Club and donate your "Lifelines" to Bulldog Rescue IMPORTANT: To ensure Bulldog Recsue get your "Lifelines" you must select Chichester as your Home Store to be able to select Bulldog Rescue as your benefiting Charity