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"The Cars - Move Like This"

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The word Azure is a near synonym for the colour blue. We have related this colour to the sparingly used irrigation waters used to meticulously nurture our wines that produce the fruit that ends up under the Azure label.
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Grant�??s Filsell vineyard with near century old vines is considered one of the best vineyards in the Barossa Valley and consistently produces fruit of great intensity and concentration. Planted in 1920, this vineyard also produces the fruit for Grant�??s
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Awatere River, with its distinctive white/grey cliffs of clay that line the banks of this glacial river. Mount Tapuae-o-unenuku, otherwise known as Tapi, is a striking landmark and, the highest mountain in New Zealnd outside the Southern Alps.
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This great Aussie wine is dedicated to the memory of Jack and Bett Jones. Their old home, nestling amongst the vineyard, was called, 'Didjabringabottealong' and always had a spare room with a warm welcome for all.
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When it comes to throwing parties, we think this Ultimate Party Pack will safely earn you a few high-fives with not twelve but FIFTEEN bottles of wine. It's easily the safest bet for anyone throwing a shindig/get together/soiree/ce