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Welcome to Mctague of Harrogate - Harrogate Art Gallery - Watercolours - Oil Paintings - Yorkshire Pictures - Etchings - Sporting Pictures - Art Dealer

Old Prints, Paintings, Watercolours, Etchings, Engravings, Antique Prints, Old Maps, Yorkshire Watercolours, Yorkshire Pictures, Sporting Pictures, Dog Pictures, Art Galleries, Picture Dealers, Fine Art Dealers, Yorkshire Abbeys, Yorkshire Maps, Costume of Yorkshire, Town Plans, John Gould, Bird Prints, Leeds, Fountains Abbey, Harrogate Art, Yorkshire Art, John D. Walker, Fred Lawson, Arthur Reginald Smith, Bernard Evans, Bernard Walter Evans, George Stubbs, John Gould Bird Prints, Eileen Soper Etchings,Herbert Dicksee, Angus Rands, Costume of Yorkshire, Yorkshire Abbeys, William Greaves, Whitby Pictures, Scarborough paintings, Fred Cecil Jones, F.C.Jones, D.T.Robertson, David Thomas Robertson, Cuthbert Crossley, James Thomas Watts, John Dobby Walker, J.D.Walker, C.H.Scwanfelder, Charles Henry Schwanfelder, Henry Cadness, Maud Raphael Jones, Elisabeth Trevor Sutcliffe, Wright Barker, Ernest Higgins Rigg, Arthur Blackburn, Harrogate Views, Scarborough prints, Scarborough pictures, J.Blaeu maps, John Speed maps, Angus Rands, Lake District maps and plans, Whitby pictures, Stipple engravings, lithographs, poultry prints, Knaresborough views,