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O. M. Kelly, author of Decoding the Mind of God had an interest at an early age to carry on from Einstein's belief that there was a mathematical plan for us to earn the correct understanding of consciousness. Einstein believed that God had something to do with this divine plan, as did many renowned philosophers throughout human history.After many years of research and studying the Egyptian principles, Mythology, and exploring the Biblical writings, Kelly was invited overseas to teach for the next 15 years. Everyone wanted a book! So with confidence O.M. Kelly began writing the nine consecutive volumes printed in this book. Her explanation on how the collective consciousness is a law unto itself and without understanding of the mathematical language, the answers we all seek cannot be revealed to us. This significant information has resulted in life changing experiences for many of her European and Australian students. Since 1989 Kelly has lectured through Europe and the Americas, opening new opportunities to establish teaching academies in Germany 1998. Her life has been dedicated to the pursuit of truth of who we really are and the multiple facets of what we can accomplish for ourselves.